1. Who has a user account in PHRI Learning Management System (LMS)?
PHRI employees and researchers.
2. How do I access and log in to the PHRI LMS?
You can access the PHRI LMS from any internet connection or through the PHRI Intranet or PHRI Website. The URL for the PHRI LMS is https://myLearning@phri.ca.
From the PHRI LMS Home page, go to Log in at the top right of your screen and enter your PHRI Username and Password (what you use to log into your PHRI Computer) and be sure to select PHRI as your domain when logging in.
3. Where do I find my courses?
The full course catalogue can be found by clicking on the link 'Course Catalogue' at the top left of your screen. Courses assigned to you are listed under 'My Courses'. To take a course, click on the name of the course and follow the instructions within the course.
4. Where can I see my compliance status for my assigned courses ?
Once you are logged in, you will see your 'Compliance Overview' which contains all assigned courses; completed, needs to be completed soon and overdue. You can track your progress for each course by the symbol in the “status” column.
5. Who do I contact if I have questions regarding the PHRI LMS (e.g., if my course is missing)?
Any questions regarding your use of the LMS, or your eLearning requirements, should be emailed to LMSadmin@phri.ca